Kudjo Adwo El Of Canaanland Slanders AMPAC Officials As Dirty Moors – Makes False Allegations

In what appears to be an off the cuff rant about various Moorish body politics, Kudjo Adwo El of the Canaanland Moors rashly shared his thoughts about AMPAC in a video entitled “Dirty Moors New Moors Should Avoid At All Costs”. His bizarre diatribe raises serious concerns about Moorish leaders.

AMPAC, short for Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado, is a lawful Moorish state government that was established by honorable Moors of the Colorado trust territory via a constitution signed on February 28, 2021. AMPAC’s officials were duly elected on March 21, 2021 and the official public inauguration was held on May 1, 2021. Around the time when Moors of AMPAC were organizing their state government, a separate group of Moors were attempting to organize a body politic to “host and establish a free Moorish national constitutional convention.” Kudjo fully supported and actively participated in this body politic until it began to disintegrate during the aftermath of the Wakefield, Massachusetts standoff incident on July 3, 2021.

AMPAC slandered as “Dirty Moors” by Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors

In his slanderous video, Kudjo offered no evidence that would prove his claim that AMPAC or its officials are “Dirty Moors”. Instead, he spoke vaguely about “people” in general while displaying the homepage of AMPAC’s website. He also alleged that they are “master opportunists” while insulting his viewers’ intelligence by calling them “dumb”.

Kudjo further wrongly implied that AMPAC is based on a patriarchal system, saying all “Moorish governments…are started by men.” This generalized rambling lends more credence to the presumption that he is unstudied about AMPAC’s state government. A few minutes of studious effort would have revealed that AMPAC is matriarchal in its foundation, structure and operation – unlike the body politic that Kudjo supported which was founded and largely operated by men.

[S/N: Men, as a root word, means “to think.”]

His seemingly pro-women disposition is a bit ironic considering how he publicly degraded a Moorish woman – using rash and profane language by calling her a “hoe”.

As a Grand Sheik of an allegedly chartered Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) temple in Canaanland, Kudjo is bound to the laws declared by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. One such law is the limitation on speech and conduct of all temple “leaders”. In the document entitled The Prophet Has Spoken, Noble Drew Ali stated the following.

“All Governors and Grand Sheiks and head officials that guide any body of Moors of any Temple of the Moorish Science Temple of America… must not speak rash words nor any profane language in the mildest form to any other individual…”

Prophet Noble Drew Ali

When a Grand Sheik of an MSTA temple openly and repeatedly violates the Prophet’s laws – as well as the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice – what message does that send to newly awakened Moors and the world at large? I recall being the target of similarly vile language from temple leaders when I publicly defended Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey and the Moorish militia in the wake of the Wakefield incident. There is a pattern of lawlessness that appears to be prevalent among temple leaders as they are quick to hurl insults at noble Moors, and a few have repeatedly labeled others as “niggers with fezzes and turbans” in the past. Ironically, they openly and proudly display their “negro mentality” while wearing fezzes and turbans. Are these violators of the Prophet’s laws the real “dirty Moors” that new Moors should avoid at all costs?

Kudjo later went on to say.

“Drew Ali making reference to us being Moroccan and the Moroccan Empire is to show your descendancy. That’s not who you are. We’re Moorish Americans.”

Kudjo Adwo El

He conveniently forgot the fact that Prophet Noble Drew Ali stated:

“What your ancient forefathers were, you are today without doubt or contradiction.”

The Holy Koran (Circle 7) Chapter XLVII Verse 10

So although the Prophet taught us that our nationality is Moorish American, as we are descendants of Moroccans born in America, it must be understood that this means we are Moroccan subjects of [The United States of] America until such time that we become competent enough to run a government and choose to return to Morocco (the empire / jurisdiction). A fact that is referenced in the Act of Algeciras – a legally binding document that provides the blueprint for the restoration of the Moroccan Empire. Our good brother Jay Jermaine Bey, the Head Qazi (Chief Judge) of AMPAC has lectured extensively on the matters concerning the aforementioned treaty.

In his eloquently articulate tirade, Kudjo attempted to discredit these very lectures with a nonsensical declaration that “if you’re not on VHS or DVD, [get the] FOH (slang for ‘f**k outta here’). Go sit down somewhere. We don’t want to hear you talk.” It must be noted that Kudjo has fully supported, listened to, and opened his platform for Moors like Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey to talk when said Moors have no documented history of being on VHS or DVD. A deeper concern with this flawed and self aggrandizing mentality is how it will affect future generations if it were to be taken seriously. It must also be asked, who is he referring to when he says “we” don’t want to hear you talk? Is Kudjo speaking on behalf of all Moors, the Moorish Science Temple of America, or just for his temple and friends?

AMPAC has been posting videos on their YouTube channel since May 5, 2021. As of the date of this article, there has been approximately 111 videos posted – most of which are study sessions geared toward correcting the false concepts that Moors have been taught for decades by incompetent leaders. None of which is geared toward berating other Moorish body politics. In contrast, Canaanland Moors have posted approximately 3,776 videos in the past 13 years. A large percentage of which has been scandalous, berating and/or degrading of other Moors. So much so that Kudjo has earned a reputation as being egotistical and argumentative. Unfortunately, as it’s become widely known in popular culture, “drama sells” and the dirty Moors among us are all too eager to create drama where none exist.

In conclusion, while some temple leaders seek to slander and put down noble Moors who are working hard to establish Moorish state governments, I and many others will continue to uplift them through thought, words, and deeds. As Noble Drew Ali said, “The greatest weapon in the hands of our group today in America is our press.” I give honors to all upright leaders of the Moorish Science Temple of America who adhere to the Prophet’s laws and use their great weapon to uplift and defend fallen humanity in a fair, accurate and respectful manner, instead of attempting to damage or destroy the reputation of noble Moors with slander. Together, we can resolve the issues preventing Moorish unity. Namely, our own egos.

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