Who Are “Dirty Moors?” Learn How To Identify Them According To Prophet Noble Drew Ali

“Dirty Moor!” These two words are heavily used in the Moorish movement with a very negative connotation. More often than not, “dirty Moor” is erroneously hurled as an insult toward someone who a Moor either does not like or – in the case of Ego Stoners – simply disagrees with. In this article, I’ll break down the concept of “dirty Moor”, its original meaning and intended usage according to Prophet Noble Drew Ali.

Since the time of the Prophet, there has been countless Moors who have joined the Moorish Divine And National Movement with their insidious plans. While some may seek the fame and nobility of the Prophet, others seek the money and power that the Moorish Science Temple of America possess. Although it can be said that these Moors are dirty in thoughts, deeds, and/or intentions in the sense of being morally unclean, the Prophet was specific about who should be called “dirty Moors” and when the label should be applied.

In the Oral Statements and Prophecies by Noble Drew Ali, it is written at number 190 that Sister A. Brown El of Temple 4 and 25 attested that the Prophet said “If your Brother does something wrong to you, don’t call him a “nigger.” Call him a dirty Moor.” Although this instruction by the Prophet is crystal clear in its intended meaning, Moors have interpreted it in two distinct ways throughout the decades.

  1. A dirty Moor is a [Moorish] brother [or sister] who has done something wrong to you directly. (i.e. Slandering you like Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors slandered me and other good Moors)
  2. A dirty Moor is a [Moorish] brother [or sister] who has done something wrong in your eyes. (i.e. You think a Moor has done something wrong based primarily on your perception)

Which one of the above interpretations is the correct originally intended meaning of the Prophet’s instruction on the usage of the phrase “dirty Moor?”

First, let’s take a look at another quote from the Oral Statements for further analysis. At number 109, it is said that during “one night’s temple meeting, a dirty-Moor tried to attack the Holy Prophet with a knife. The Moors in attendance just stood there.” This Moor did something wrong to the Prophet directly and was thus appropriately called a “dirty Moor”. Conversely, the Moors who just stood there can be said to have morally wronged the Prophet, but they were not labeled as “dirty.” Likewise, when some of the Moors were flashing their cards at Europeans, their actions – which were wrong in the eyes of the Prophet – did not warrant the use of “dirty Moors.” Instead, the Prophet issued a written decree warning all Moslems that they must end all radical agitating speeches and obey the law laid down to them among other crucial stipulations.

These relevant historical facts confirm that the originally intended meaning of dirty Moor is one who does something wrong to you directly, further qualified by the intent to harm you, your property and/or reputation. With this in mind, we can properly identify dirty Moors when they fit any of the following criteria.

  • Harms or intends to harm the Prophet or the temple in any malicious act.
  • Unjustly harms or intends to harm you physically, verbally, etc.
  • Intentionally damages your property / estate.
  • Slanders you in an attempt to damage your reputation or business.
    • This includes knowingly and willfully spreading lies, rumors, gossip, and the like.
  • Other high crimes against you. (i.e. Kidnapping, human trafficking, etc.)

It must be noted that, although they are morally unclean – hence dirty, Moors who erroneously call you a dirty Moor because you disagree with them or reveal their misconducts aren’t necessarily dirty Moors themselves for that mere act unless their intention is to damage your reputation. This may simply be a sign of their bloated egos being deflated by truth. However, they become dirty Moors when they slander you in retaliation for exposing their deeds. Whether you choose to call them dirty Moors or not is entirely up to you. It’s vital that Moors don’t allow themselves to be pressured into joining the cult of slanderers, plotters, and purveyors. They all will receive their reward from Allah for their unjust deeds.

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