‘We’ve Got Too Much Work To Do.’ AMPAC’s Chief Judge Jay Jermaine Bey Responds To Slanderers; Fearless Moors Discipline VHS Scholar

[This article takes approximately 5 minutes to read.]

In the opening minutes of Study Session 75, the Chief Qazi (Judge) of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado (AMPAC)Jay Jermaine Bey – sets the record straight in regards to the slanderous allegations made by a notable VHS scholar as well as a self proclaimed etymology master.

AMPAC’s Chief Qazi (Judge) Jay Jermaine Bey

“Up in the clouds, me and my spouse. Rumors on the ground, they’re getting too loud. Please turn that crap down because you can’t kill my vibe.”

Jay Bey paraphrasing Jay Z’s lyrics

On September 6, Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors slandered AMPAC and its officials in an unprovoked and malicious attack, laden with conjecture. In response to my article published on September 8, detailing his words and violations of the Prophet’s laws, Kudjo went on another rant – this time also attacking my character, prompting me to write a Q&A article correcting the false assumptions.

Nevertheless, instead of acknowledging his mistakes and making amends with those whom he’s slandered, Kudjo resorted to slandering me in retaliation for revealing his misconducts. Going as far as concocting an insidious plan to put me “out of business in 1 month” by encouraging Moors not to support hakeembey.com.

In stark contrast to the egregious behavior of Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors, an alleged Grand Sheik who openly insinuates that Prophet Noble Drew Ali was a hypocrite who violated his own laws, the noble Moors of AMPAC has shown us once again what it means to speak in an intelligent tone.

“Moors have been studying etymology dictionary, reading the word nationality, because nationality is the order of the day, and they don’t realize you need the fact of belonging to a state. Put down the hate and pick up a constitution for your state.”

AMPAC’s Chief Qazi (Judge) Jay Jermaine Bey
AMPAG State ID Card Sample by Hakeem Bey (hakeembey.com)
AMPAG State ID Card Sample by Hakeem Bey

In one of his most recent attacks prior to blocking me on Instagram and Facebook, Kudjo criticized the sample State identification card that I designed for Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Georgia (AMPAG). His criticism focused exclusively on the stated nationality being “Moroccan” instead of “Moorish American” as is written in the 101 Koran Questions for Moorish Children. Kudjo claims that being Moroccan “makes you a foreigner” but didn’t expound on who/what you would be foreign to, among other things. Most likely because this would imply colonial jurisdiction.

Using the same literature of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, I gave additional context by posing the question How can Moroccans be foreigners in their own land? A reference to number 32 of the 101s. Kudjo did not provide an answer to this question. Instead, he went on another tirade about Ruth the Moabites and other matters that were not the subjects of discussion. Nevertheless, AMPAC’s Chief Qazi (Judge) Jay Jermaine Bey has lectured extensively on the nationalities of Moors of Northwest Amexem (Northwest Morocco / North America) – distinguishing between the statuses and jurisdictions of Moorish Americans, Moroccans, Blacks, etc. Most recently, this was discussed in Study Session 75 using the acronym “NBCA.”

In speaking of the new acronym “NBCA”, pronounced “NAB-KA”, Jay Jermaine Bey stated unequivocally that:

The acronym is Negro, Black, Colored, American. What type of American? Moorish American! …If you’re not of a state, that means either you’re still over here as a citizen of the United States or you’re just simply stateless. You got three options. You’re in the jurisdiction of the United States, stateless, or you’ve returned to Morocco to consent through application to become a competent Moor with a Moorish state government.

AMPAC’s Chief Qazi (Judge) Jay Jermaine Bey

The latter portion of the above quote is an apparent reference to Article 15 of the Treaty of Madrid Right of Protection In Morocco (July 3, 1880) which states:

Any subject of Morocco who has been naturalized in a foreign country, and who shall return to Morocco, shall after having remained for a length of time equal to that which shall have been regularly necessary for him to obtain such naturalization, choose between entire submission to the laws of the Empire and the obligation to quit Morocco, unless it shall be proved that his naturalization in a foreign country was obtained with the consent of the Government of Morocco.

Article 15, Right of Protection In Morocco (July 3, 1880)

Despite all the slanders being spread by dirty Moors on social media stroking their egos, noble Moors across Northwest Amexem continue to organize their body politics into State governments – returning to Morocco and exercising their inalienable rights to self determination. In the fulfillment of my mission, it’s my honor to assist these Moors whenever possible in the same way I’d assist Moors of the MSTA who respects the five cardinal principles, honor the Prophet and adhere to his laws.

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