Q&A: Correcting False Assumptions Made By Kudjo Adwo El Of Canaanland Moors

[This article takes approximately 15 minutes to read.]

Reading is fundamental. While it may be excusable for students of a temple to be illiterate, there is no excuse for a Moorish leader’s inability to read and comprehend. In his lengthy and paradoxical rebuttal of my recent article that accurately reported the facts of how Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Slandered AMPAC Officials As Dirty Moors, he made a number of false allegations and assumptions targeting my character. Although this childish response was predictable, the bounds of his imaginative perceptions were a bit of a surprise. I’d like to take the time to bring the matter back to reality and correct as many of his outlandish claims as possible. Some of these accusations are a bit silly, so bear with me as I address them accordingly.

Correcting False Assumptions Made By Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors

  1. Was Hakeem Bey named after the “Moorvengers” Hakim Bey?No. When I chose my appellation, I had not yet heard of anything called “Moorvengers” nor the Moor named Hakim Bey. Kudjo went on to declare that “anybody else saying they are Hakim Bey, they are a fraud”. Depending on the context, this can be either true or false. If a Moor is identifying himself as THE Hakim Bey referenced in the Moorvengers, then that act of calling oneself Hakim Bey is a fraud. On the other hand, if a Moor is named Hakim Bey or chooses the name for any other reason than impersonation, no fraud is being committed. How many Moors in the world have the name Muhammad Ali? Should everyone else give honors to the famous boxer if they have the same name? I don’t need to point this out, but Hakeem and Hakim are spelled differently.
  2. Why did you choose that name? – Firstly, my full appellation is Hakeem Bahadur Faruq Bey, as is used on all official documents that I write or contribute to. My social media handle for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram is “iamhakeembey”. Considering that Hakeem means “wise”, Bahadur means “warrior”, and Faruq means “the one who distinguishes between right and wrong”, I felt these three words, combined with the title “Bey” most accurately reflected who I am. Why? Because I have always been a knowledge seeker, a fearless Moor who doesn’t run from adversity, objectively fair and reasonable in my discernments – unbiased in my approach to writing.
  3. Who is Hakeem Bey and what are his intentions? Read the About page on this website. If you want to know how I identified myself prior to declaring my nationality with a Moorish state government, read the About page on my old blog. I’m fully aware of who I am, but I do not expect slanderers of noble Moors to comprehend.
  4. Are you a student of the [Moorish] information? Yes. All of my social media accounts say “Moor, Writer, Programmer, Student” in the bio. Seeing that Kudjo was reading the flyer on my Instagram, he should have known better. Though, based on the context, it’s possible that this question was directed at Moors in general. Unlike some, however, my studies don’t end at what the Prophet brought.
  5. Was the flyer intended to portray an “actual Zoom meeting” with Kudjo and AMPAC?No. It’s a satire. The intention was primarily to highlight a figurative meeting of the minds, displaying the two fundamentally different focuses as I interpreted based on Kudjo’s initial video slandering AMPAC. AMPAC is focused on communicating the establishment of Moorish state government, while Kudjo is focused on trying to destroy their reputation with slander. The secondary intention of the flyer was to point out the absurdity of this talk about VHS and DVD. Discernment is a crucial skill to have in this age of technology. If Moors cannot recognize a satirically edited image, then I’m extremely concerned for future generations when AI generated images and videos are used widely by COINTELPRO operatives for nefarious reasons.
  6. Are you an AMPAC official? No. A simple verification check or request via AMPAC’s website would have revealed that I am not an AMPAC official. But “assumption” is the name of Kudjo’s game, not “fact”.
  7. Was my article written by an AMPAC official? No. All articles on this website are written by me. As clearly stated on the homepage, I am a writer. Those who have seen my works in the past know that I always use a formal style of writing, void of slang and profanity unless the content requires them for context. This may be why Kudjo misinterpreted the article as being an “official release from the AMPAC”.
  8. Was the Prophet “cussing out” Moors? No. This is in direct conflict with everything the Prophet taught. Whether they were the few faithful Moors that he could count on his fingers or the dirty Moors who tried to tarnish his name, the Prophet spoke firmly and honestly as I do, but he did not violate the principles he taught. Any Moor claiming that Prophet Noble Drew Ali was cursing out Moors (i.e. calling Moorish women “hoes” like Kudjo Adwo El) or using rash and profane language has likely been influenced by COINTELPRO operatives intent on harming the Prophet’s legacy. It’s my opinion that Kudjo is clinging to this false narrative in order to justify his misconduct of using rash and profane language to appeal to the lower vibration of his audience / followers. Given that he said “the priesthood is dead, so f*** Moorish leaders”, does that mean that he believes no one can hold him accountable for his violations?
  9. Why Moorish state governments don’t call themselves Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA)? – The answer is simple, but requires further context for simple minds to comprehend. MSTA is a registered corporate entity of a State within the United States’ jurisdiction. Moorish state governments are not under the United States’ jurisdiction, nor are they chartered by the MSTA. They are established by Moors of a particular trust territory coming together and signing a constitution, enacting a Moorish state government. Additionally, for the Moors to enforce the “Act of Algeciras”, we must have a competent state government. The Prophet said that he would “leave the Europeans here long enough to teach us how to run a government.” The Prophet clearly intended for us to be running a Moorish government. Kudjo further stated “so how are they repping for Drew Ali so hard, but they’re not calling themselves what Noble Drew Ali brought?” Presuming that you comprehend the explanation above, the simple answer is calling yourselves MSTA without being officially chartered by a qualified MSTA temple is unlawful. THAT is fraud. Rami Salam El learned that the hard way and corrected his behavior. Lastly, the Prophet said “I brought you everything it takes to save a nation, now take it and save yourself.” Furthermore, why did Kudjo not slander his good friend Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey for trying to “host and establish of free Moorish national constitutional convention”? The intent behind such a purpose is to establish a Moorish government, right? Why did Kudjo participate in and supported this patriarchal body politic last year instead of slandering the Moors thereof – including himself – as “Dirty Moors” like he did to AMPAC? How deep does his bias get?
  10. Isn’t that the same stuff that Shalamoor and all them did? No. But while you’re making the accusation that “this has been done before”, were the sellout temples you often talk about chartered in the same way your temple was chartered? If so, should the same correlation be made toward your temple?
  11. Is AMPAC calling themselves a “colony in America”? No. AMPAC has never called themselves a “colony” nor a “colony in America”. Those who have watched their study sessions should know better. But of course, it doesn’t appear that any research was conducted prior to Kudjo slandering AMPAC.
  12. What is a “provincial state government”? – On the surface, a simple minded person may do a quick Google search and accept the very first thing he sees as undeniable truth. That is not research. In Kudjo’s rebuttal, he reads the first definition he sees that says “sometimes it means dependency or colony”. In his resulting diatribe, Kudjo completely ignores the word “sometimes” and instead act as if province only “means dependency or colony”. Which Moorvenger taught Kudjo how to research like this? Had he done a little bit more searching, he would have found that province actually means “territory, region, political or administrative division of a country”. The “country” in this case is Morocco (Empire). AMPAC, having ratified, promulgated, and deposited their constitution in accordance with international law as well as acceding to the various Moroccan treaties, has taken the necessary steps to “return” to Morocco (jurisdiction). Thus, AMPAC – being a Moorish government – is a “provincial state government” of Morocco as it’s now a political division thereof, having claimed the trust territory formerly known as Colorado. When the Moors of Canaanland choose to establish their own Moorish state government, they can claim that jurisdiction and return to Morocco. Hopefully this didn’t go over your head. Now, to address the whole “colony” business… the “sometimes” refers to how the British used the word “provincial” in reference to the American colonies in the 1680s. Why? Because the American colonies were territories of the country of Britain. Don’t take my word for it though, do your own research.
  13. The era of “look at me”. Was Hakeem trying to “get all up in Kudjo’s face” like Moors did the Prophet?No. I have no intention of getting attention or validation from Kudjo nor any other slanderous Moor. I wrote a news article covering his slandering of AMPAC and posted it on my social media channels just like I do with almost every other article I’ve written. One of his agents who follows me brought it to his attention of his own free will. Nevertheless, should Kudjo be exempt from Moorish journalists? Is everyone who write a news article about a Moor’s misconduct trying to get attention from that Moor?
  14. Did AMPAC say they are Moroccan subjects of [the United States of] America?No. Kudjo misread this section of the original article as he was acting under the assumption that it was written by AMPAC. Those who know how to read will recognize that it was defining what “Moorish American” means both as Noble Drew Ali defined it and as it is indirectly “referenced in the Act of Algeciras”. The “we” is a reference to Moors in general, especially those who have declared their nationality as Moorish Americans. So to put it more succinctly, “Moorish Americans are Moroccan subjects of the United States of America as referenced in the Act of Algeciras”. Why? Because Moorish Americans are still within the jurisdiction of the United States of America, not Morocco (Empire) – even though we are physically on our own land. This is the primary reason why I say reading is fundamental.
  15. Did Kudjo say “all Moorish governments… are started by men”? – In his rebuttal, Kudjo claimed this quote was a lie. He clarified by saying that he said “anybody who’s starting up some type of government, guarantee, it’s a bunch of dudes starting it up…and then they’re going to call it some type of name that has absolutely nothing to do with what Noble Drew Ali brought”. This is certainly true for the Moorish body politic that was started by Kudjos good friend last year (referenced in #9 and the original article). For proper context, however, in his original video, Kudjo said “Anytime you hear anybody, make up something. They just made up something Moorish. AMPACGOV.ORG … And another thing with these people who wanna make stuff up. Right, all these make stuff up people, [who] started some Moorish government and all that stuff, all of them are founded by men. And nations don’t come from men.” Note that his stuttering repetitions were removed for the sake of readability. While the word “started” was used instead of “founded”, the quote in the article is an accurate summation of his lengthier stuttered quote.

There was a plethora of other accusations made by Kudjo Adwo El, but much of them are based on his misunderstandings and what I suspect are the opinions of the COINTELPRO agents I previously wrote about. Hopefully this Q&A will clear things up. For the record, nothing that I write on this website is meant to degrade Kudjo. Slander and gossip are not my forte. I don’t make assumptions and treat them like facts. I report facts. Anything that I cannot prove is usually marked with identifiers such as “opinion”, “allegation”, “perception”, etc. in their proper context. Outside of his various misconducts, I’m certain Kudjo is a pretty nice guy. Those who have supported him in the past should continue supporting him. Much of the information he presents about Noble Drew Ali is very useful.

Nevertheless, I will always speak truth about anything or anyone I write about. Readers are encouraged to use their own discernment and don’t allow someone else to interpret my writing for them. Especially someone whose intention is to slander. If you have a question or concern about something I’ve written, you’re more than welcome to contact me directly instead of making a public spectacle of yourself with falsehood. It’s imperative that Moors strive to become men of letters like Noble Drew Ali instead of speaking rashly. Otherwise, you will continue to be perceived by the public as nothing but “niggers in Fezzes”.

“I hereby inform all members that they must end all radical agitating speeches while at work in their homes or on the streets. We are for peace and not destruction.”

Prophet Noble Drew Ali (Prophet Warns All Moslems)

Based on some of the things that Kudjo said, it appears that he is also upset because he believes that AMPAC has not given honors to him. Below is AMPAC’s Chief Qazi Jay Jermaine Bey giving honors to various Moors during the inauguration ceremony on May 1, 2021. He also gives honors to “Kudjo El from Canaanland Moors”. I, Hakeem Bahadur Faruq Bey, would like to personally give honors to all true Moors who honor the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice – who have learned to love instead of hate.

In the unlikely event that Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors sees the error in his divisively disparaging ways and chooses to make amends with those whom he has slandered, he can do so in the same public setting in which he initiated his unprovoked and malicious attack on the noble Moors of AMPAC.

“With love in my heart, truth in my voice, peace in my mind, freedom in my life, and justice in my press, I stand firmly on my square upright, independent, and fearless.”

Hakeem Bahadur Faruq Bey
Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors Slanders AMPAC - Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado
Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors Slanders AMPAC – Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado

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