Moor Than American: VHS Scholars Misconstrue Webster’s 1828 Dictionary Definition And Usage

[This article takes approximately 5 minutes to read.]

AMER’ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.”

An American Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster 1828

VHS Scholars Share Thoughts About The Word “American”

Over the past few decades, Moorish scholars have been teaching that the word “American” – as defined in Webster’s Dictionary 1928 – means “aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here [American continents and islands] by the Europeans.” Even I referenced it in section 4 of the about page on my old blog. While the meaning may be accurate, our comprehension – and thus usage – of the word itself as a form of identity is faulty because we continue to overlook one crucial word in Webster’s definition.

Some have recently argued over exactly what this crucial word is. Dr. Jahi Amaru (a.k.a. jahbrickz), who identifies himself as aboriginal and indigenous, claims the word to pay attention to is “or” as it provides two distinct meanings for the word American. Meanwhile, Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors, a notable VHS scholar in the Moorish Divine and National Movement, conversely claims the word to pay attention to is “colored” for various reasons mentioned in the adjacent video.

Although they make valid points for their respective arguments, they are both mistaken on the word to pay attention to. A word that many of us have overlooked throughout the years. That word is “applied.”

Why? Because the word “applied” – according to the same dictionary – indicates that the term American was put on the aboriginals or copper colored races found here by the Europeans. Additionally, the word “apply” – in the same context – denotes that the term American was originally used for the purpose of identifying said people.

In other words, the word American has the same legal signification as the word Indian as it relates to the aboriginals of NW Amexem [North America]. They are both misnomers, used by the European colonizers to identify the people they found here. What does this mean for the argument between Jahi and Kudjo? The irony of this debate between the two proponents is overshadowed by the revelation of the extent to which our people – be they identified as Moorish American, American Indian, African American, Black, or some other misnomer – have been miseducated by the European colonizers. Furthermore, our miscomprehensions, perhaps fueled by our own egos, has led to various misconceptions that have been passed on as factual, or worse, irrefutable truth.

In a later and somewhat related post, the infamous VHS scholar Kudjo Adwo El (a.k.a. moorishemcee) slandered Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Georgia (AMPAG) as “Dirty Moors” because the word Moroccan is stated in the Nationality section of the SAMPLE State Identification Card that I designed.

VHS Scholars Like Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors Thinks Being Moroccan Makes You A Foreigner

While this comes as no surprise, being that Kudjo previously slandered Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado (AMPAC) as “Dirty Moors” in an unprovoked malicious attack, his persistent and unapologetic campaign of slandering any Moorish body politic that has organized a government not led by his close friends raises more than just concerns about his true motives. Each of Kudjo’s hate-filled propaganda posts reveals yet another layer of incompetence that he tries to hide behind an outwardly strong superiority complex – a character trait that is prevalent among COINTELPRO agents.

In his post slandering AMPAG, Kudjo writes:

“Dirty Moors dont Honour Drew Ali..nationality Moroccan..?? Making you a foreigner!!!!”

Kudjo Adwo El of Canaanland Moors via Instagram – 10/10/2022

As expected, none of his followers – whom he has repeatedly called “dumb” – thought to inquire about the obvious flaw in his assertions. That being, Moroccans can’t be foreigners in their own land. The 101 Koran Questions for Moorish Children clearly states, at number 32, that the Moroccan Empire is located at Northwest Amexem. Additionally, considering that other notable VHS scholars and Kudjo’s close friends at the Rhode Island trust territory, have lectured extensively on how Northwest Amexem is part of Morocco, why would Kudjo think that a Moor of NW Amexem identifying as a Moroccan is a foreigner? Is he conflating the Kingdom of Morocco with the Empire of Morocco?

In an upcoming article, I will discuss – at length – Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s great missionary work, his ultimate objectives, and their connection with the establishment of Moorish governments. Hopefully, this will clear up any confusion that VHS scholars have been causing within the Moorish movement.

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